Monday 19 March 2012


    The ancient Sanskrit poet Bhavabhuti sang:”Kalohyayam niravadhi,vipula cha pritwi”(Time is limitless and Earth is vast.)How vast is our earth? Its radius at the equator is 6378 kilometres and that at the poles is  6357 kilometres.Its average circumference is 40030 kilometres.The earth weighs 6*1021 tonnes(1 tonne=1000 kilogram).The average density of earth is 5.52grams/cubic centimetre.

    About 2/3rd  of the earth’s surface is covered by the oceans and only 1/3rd is land.The earth was formed about 5 billion years ago,along with our sun and other planets in the solar system.The primitive earth atmosphere consisted of the gases methane,ammoniaand water vapour.Primitive plant life started first.These produced oxygen by photosynthesis.The atmosphere gradually became rich in Oxygen.Primitive humanoid ancestors appeared about a million years ago.Even now the core of the earth is vry hot and consist of molten metals like iron.Science  tells  that  earth and sun will die once.

    Earth rotateson its own axis towards the east with a speed of 1674 kilometres/hour.The earth revolves around the sun with a speed of 107,200 kilometres/hour.

    The moon is a satellite of our mother earth.It revolves around the is called a giant satellite because the Jupitor and the Saturn also have their satellites,they are very small compared to our moon.

   There is only one earth for us human beings!This is our good earth!We have to see that it is not spoilt. It has everything to satisfy our need,but not our greed.Do not pollute our good earth.Let us strive to keep it clean.

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